Australian Pokies-How to Win at Playing Pokies

If you are into the world of gaming, you will surely appreciate learning how to play pokies. Learning how to play the game introduces a player to a whole new world of gaming. By and large, pokies happen to be one of the major revenue streams for several casinos.

While we cannot say that there is a sure approach that will guarantee a player the wins at playing these games, having some idea on how best to approach the game will boost your chances of hitting the jackpot. Read on for tips on how to go about playing pokies, online pokies or from a land-based casino.

Mind the Paylines

For a player to know the best style of play at pokies, it is of utmost importance that they understand the paylines. While many are often under the impression that paylines help with spins and increase the possible win amount when playing pokies, they should be mindful of the cost of the paylines they are looking at. Ideally, players should make sure that they can meet the cost of the payline and they will be able to afford it during their time of play on draw as close as they can to hitting a jackpot, they should bet the maximum possible amount on all the paylines. Betting on all paylines boosts the chances of winning at pokies. It is therefore advisable for players to pick a pokie whose paylines match their budget and whose maximum bet amount is also affordable to them.

Understand the Part Played by Coins-Value and Number

Say for instance you have $2 coin value to bet with, how should you use them at a pokie slot? There is a world of a difference between making a single bet worth $2 and when they are split to make say, 4 bets each costing $0.5. While the value will remain the same, the results will obviously be different. You should understand the multiplier effect that comes with the number of coins and not the value of the coins on the end of the day, it is worth understanding that the pay-out will be the same, irrespective of the value of the coins. Strive to bet the maximum number of coins allowed for this may qualify you for a jackpot. Split your coins to the smallest denomination possible to enjoy the highest possible multiplier. As a punter, always strive to hit the jackpot and the above ideas will take you so close to the jackpot.

Go for Pokies with the Highest Paylines

When picking a pokie, whether online or offline, you should take a close look at the paylines. In this regard, it would be advisable to go for the ones with the highest paylines. The Australian pokies payline is determined by the Return to Player percentage, RTP. This is precisely the share of the amounts wagered that the pokies site gives back to players. A pokies site with the highest RTP will always be the best to consider.

What Are Some Of The Latest Fashion Highlights For Women?

Fashion Highlight Bulldogs is one of the hottest women’s fashion wear options for 2021. The brand is housed under the umbrella of Fast Track International, an umbrella company that represents a host of designers, fashion houses and distributors. The line of Bulldogs clothing features high quality, workmanship and innovation, which make them a sought after brand by both women and men alike. What makes these garments so popular with the female fashion community is their edgy yet classic appeal. This style is very much in vogue for 2021, and we predict that it will not let go of the top spot for years to come. Let us take a brief look at the latest offering from the fast moving world of women’s fashion:

The fashion industry has been enjoying a welcome rest from the wild storm that was the Britney Spears “wardrobe revamp”. The long-anticipated response to the pop star’s wardrobe revamp has finally arrived with the launch of a new line of clothing, designed especially for women. The brand highlights contemporary designs and classic looks, all of which are perfectly fitted to the modern woman’s busy schedule. In short, this brand caters for today’s working woman, and her multifaceted taste for fashion.

Another major turning point for the fashion industry is the launch of Christina Perrin. The designer, whose name is synonymous with chic, is the latest celebrity to have her own clothing line. It is the ideal platform for the woman that prefers cutting edge trends without the hectic schedule that many modern women lead. Christina is well known for her down-to-earth approach to dressing, which is apparent in the simple designs and tasteful colors that are a signature of her clothing line. In short, she embodies the laid back style that is characteristic of the new modern woman.

When discussing the new trends for women’s fashion, there are many to consider. One trend that has really taken off this year is that of vintage inspired style. Women who love nostalgia can’t get enough of the fashions from decades ago, and they are channeling their nostalgia via clothing lines that pay tribute to the past. Vintage inspired clothing can be both elegant and casual, and this is a great style for the modern woman. Even some older women are enjoying the vintage feel of this look, and it is definitely one to keep an eye out for.

One of the most interesting trends to watch is that of men’s fashion. A lot of men are beginning to identify women’s fashion and are trying to incorporate similar elements. For instance, a great way to get a nod to the 1970’s and ’80’s styles is to go for textured and bold patterns, and wear fabrics like denim and distressed leather. The denim cuts and oversized textured tops are very popular with today’s men, and these can really make for some exciting fashion moments.

Of course, the most exciting thing to talk about this season is the rise of urban and trendy clothing. Urban and street styles that were previously reserved for teenage girls are finding their way into the mainstream. In fact, many of the most popular stars in the music world have released clothing lines for women this year. Urban and trendy clothing for women is quickly becoming one of the most popular trends in women’s fashion, and this trend looks set to only continue for next year and beyond.

Wrap yourself in seductive scent. Perfumes by Obsessive

Can you imagine the world without different scents, fragrances or aromas? We can’t, and we don’t even want to. Various fragrances make our world so special, they add significance and sometimes deeper meaning to different events. They can even carry memories. Yes, that’s true. Our mind associates events in our lives with certain scents. That’s why sometimes a memory of someone or something pops up in your mind without any reason and you wonder why. And the explanation is simple: you just felt a certain fragrance which in your mind is linked to this event or this person and suddenly, out of the blue, you are thrown back to the past. So, let’s make some great memories with use of sexy and seductive perfumes from our collection. Continue reading “Wrap yourself in seductive scent. Perfumes by Obsessive”

How to dress your team for sporting award events

When heading out and about with your team it is always in best practice to create and build a high visual representation for yourselves. This will help you build a reputation for your sports team/ club that is going to help you get further as a team.

The way you present yourself at these events should be in a more formal setting. This means leaving the sporting gear at home and opting for smart-casual or formal attire instead. Here is a list of clothing that will make your club stand out.

Continue reading “How to dress your team for sporting award events”

All the Secrets of Laser Hair Removal: Is It Safe? Are the Results Permanent? …

Now that the good weather is arriving, many women become conscious of uncomfortable body hair, which goes somewhat unnoticed in the cold months. But now it is time to bear some skin and unwanted body hair is not welcome. Continue reading “All the Secrets of Laser Hair Removal: Is It Safe? Are the Results Permanent? …”

Top Makeup Tricks & Tips:

Makeup is one of those things that some people just can’t live without. Some would call it a necessity, and others could care a less if they ever wore it again. It just depends on the type of person you are and how glamorous you feel like being. Some people also struggle with applying their makeup. It’s not as easy as it looks, but with my top tips and tricks, it will look like you spent hours on your face when in reality it took you minutes. Now let’s take a look at what kind of tricks I have stored away in my makeup caddy!


  •   Use a concealer or primer to even out your foundation
  •   Use a dark lip liner pencil to make your lips appear bigger
  •   Exfoliate your lips with an old toothbrush
  •   Use nude eyeliner to make your eyes look bigger
  •   Apply some peppermint oil to your lips for that extra plump
  •   Add baby powder to your lashes to make them appear longer

These makeup and beauty tips are easy enough to follow- but just wait until you see some cool hacks I am about to share with you. Let me brief on a couple of these tips I mentioned above. If you have uneven skin and you have tried everything to make your face and makeup go on equally, there is one thing in your makeup ritual that you are missing. That is a good quality primer or concealer. Using a good quality one makes all the difference. Do you want your lips to look bigger without using cosmetic surgery? Well, peppermint oil is the answer. Mix a bit of peppermint oil in with your lip balm and apply it before you apply your lipstick or lip-gloss. This will work wonders. But before you do all this to your lips, you should exfoliate them with an old toothbrush. Just apply some Vaseline or lip balm to your toothbrush and go to town! Do this once a week, and you will notice a huge difference.

Do you feel like your eyes are not big enough? I know you are beautiful the way you are but if you switch up the black eyeliner for nude eyeliner than your eyes will appear to be bigger. Apply it on the inside of your eyes. Now for the lashes… If you do not want to spend the money getting extensions, I would recommend applying some baby powder to your lashes before you apply your mascara. This will thicken them and make them more voluminous.

My #1 Hack is…

Apply your bronzer in the shape of a 3 starting at the bottom of your eyebrow down to your cheekbone, and ending at the bottom of your jawline. This is a good hack to spare you all that time, trying to contour your face. Look up videos to help you if you need it. You can still use your bronzer all over your face if you would like but make sure you are using a darker color to shade out the three for more definition. This is the icing to the cake, or the cherry to your milkshake! I hope you use these hacks, and they are as beneficial to you as they were to me!

Beauty confidentials

A health check for your head can put your mind at rest

(Monika Robl)

Head master

It turns out my recent itchy scalp issues were all in, rather than on, my head. Or at least that’s how it appeared when I sat down in the lovely leather chair in Philip Kingsley’s office in the Mayfair townhouse his salon has occupied since 1968. Ah, the hair follicles this pre-eminent trichologist must have seen; if only the walls could tell the celebrity stories they have heard.

After patiently running a comb through my entire head of hair, Kingsley pronounced that there was no sign of any problem whatsoever. But thankfully, before I started wondering whether I was going bonkers, there was a caveat: I could be suffering from a condition called neurodermatitis, a chronic itchy skin disease. While Kingsley could find no sign of it, it does tend to affect the area where I think I have a problem — just above the nape of the neck. It occurs mostly in women (unfair) and can fluctuate with nerves, so it may be triggered by stress, tiredness and suchlike. It’s tricky to treat, because nobody is entirely sure exactly what sets it off — everyone has different triggers, though be warned, some champagnes and white wines can irritate it (again, unfair) — and even if you do manage to clear it up, you have no idea if or when it might return again. Equally, it can go away by itself just as easily as it arrived.

He also told me I had a great head of hair. Why, thank you, I said. A pause, then he continued: “But it could look better.” He talked me through some hair basics: it should be washed every day, even — especially — if you have neurodermatitis. “You know how dirty your face gets at the end of the day, well, your hair goes to the same places, so at the end of 24 hours, it’s pretty dirty.”

Then he passed me on to Jenny, who has worked with him since 1968. She gave me a treatment and some more tips: it’s best to comb your hair when the conditioner is in, using a fine-tooth comb (handily, Kingsley makes the perfect one); and you should blow-dry while brushing it all through with a paddle brush and with the hot air blowing downwards. Two hours later, my mane was supershiny — a hard thing to achieve with blonde locks. And I’m pretty sure it isn’t just in my head that, several weeks later, it still looks in incredibly good nick.

Over the moon

Sunday Riley Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm, £46;

Prepare yourself for the new cult cleanser, because whatever Sunday Riley does next seems to sell out in a flash. Blue Moon, her latest launch, is a really gentle cleansing balm with blue tansy, German chamomile and beeswax to soothe, hydrate and calm irritated skin, plus it doubles up as a hydrating mask. It has helped me greatly, as I seem to be going through a rather rocky patch with my skin.

@TheSTStyle @edwinaingschambers