Getting Paid to Try Out New Things

This ideal holds water way beyond the world of fashion, style and trends; that you can carve out a way for yourself to get paid to try out new things. At the risk of sounding overly-motivational, you simply have to want it badly enough in order for you to make it happen, but it can definitely be done.


I mean let’s face it — some of us claim to love our jobs; we claim to love our very limiting nine-to-fives or eight-to-fours (depending on where you live), yet if we somehow discovered that it’s no longer compulsory to pitch up to work tomorrow, guess who wouldn’t be at work? We might be in love with the idea that the job or career we have helps us provide for ourselves and perhaps even affords us a periodic window of opportunity to actually do some of the things we love doing. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but a line must be drawn between something you appreciate and something you love; something you’d dedicate your time and effort to, even if you weren’t getting paid to do it, but something which you’d ideally love to get paid to do nonetheless.

The first place to look would naturally be online if you’re to uncover some solid ways through which to get paid for trying out new things. If you’re lucky, it might work out very well for you if you simply typed “paid to try new things” into your favourite search engine. Practically however it might not quite work out that way, but the virtual world gives you direct access to all corners of the connected world, which by extension gives you direct access to opportunities to get paid for trying out new things. Let’s take online gaming as a loose example. If something like playing bingo is indeed something you’ve always wanted to try out as a means through which to complement your other online gaming sessions, you can click here for online bingo which you can try out and effectively get paid to do so (by getting a nice welcome/signup bonus). As previously touched on about this not being limited to fashion, it’s also not limited to sign-up or deposit bonuses offered by online gambling sites. The web is bursting at the seams with such opportunities to try out new things and somehow find a way to get paid while doing so.

While the covered case-study makes for one of the more direct ways of getting paid to try out new things, you can also go about it a little more indirectly. In a world where practical, first-hand user experience is increasingly valued over what companies, manufacturers and businesses publish about their products and services, digital platforms such as blogs, reviews and WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) sites can very easily be monetised by placing ads or affiliate links in and around the content you generate. Simply documenting your personal experience will do, gained through well — trying out new things. It could be a new pair of twisted jeans you bought at a flea market, a new phone perhaps, or anything else really. If you just give it a bit of thought, at the very least write about your experience with it as one of the many ways through which you can get paid to try out new things.