Checking Your Gonads: A Primer On Testicular Cancer

Cancer has become a catch-all phrase for an inevitable sickness, a disease that you could only hope to hinder but never cure. Misinformation combined with a lack of public awareness leaves most people bereft of knowledge that can literally save lives. Cancer comes in many forms and shapes, and while there are many cancer types that truly live up to the infamy and dreadful reputation, there are just as many that can be easily prevented and cured.

Men usually don’t like to talk about their genitals in a medical or health-focused way. Usually, the only time you’d see a guy talking about his balls would be in bars or a similar social setting where he’d be referring to their size or how they are made of stainless steel. Take away the beer-fueled confidence and the circle of somewhat-reluctant listeners, and you’ll find that the average male would rather do anything else rather than talk about his testicles.

Male ego and stereotyping might have a little bit to do with the lack of men willing to seriously talk about their testicles. Visiting a doctor and scheduling regular check ups is seen as being dependent on another person, something that is sadly looked on as ‘unmanly’. Throw in the uncomfortable idea of talking about their sexual organs with a medical professional, and you wind up with men who are completely in the dark regarding testicular health.

Even though testicular cancer is one of the more easier cancers to cure with a survival rate of 95%, the fact that 68% of men do not know how to examine themselves for symptoms of testicular cancer still remains a worrying thought. There are cases wherein men develop testicular cancer and are coupled with very blatant symptoms. Nevertheless, these patients have refused to have themselves checked by a doctor and deny the fact that they might be sick. This militant attitude led to them neglecting the cancer that subsequently began spreading outside the testicles. The survival rate of these men dropped considerably, and in extreme cases resulted in death.

The phrase ‘Knowledge is power’ has never held truer than when it applies to your sexual health. For a crash course on how to check yourself for testicular cancer, take a look at the infographic linked below made by the folks over at Discount Supplements, supplier of gold standard whey.

Cancer Infographic (1)

So, how do we prevent testicular cancer? Though there is no proven method with a surefire success rate, exercise has always been one of the best methods of improving overall health.

We are advocates of the 30/30 Challenge, a fitness discipline that promotes exercising for thirty minutes a day everyday for 30 consecutive days. The beauty of this routine lies in the fact that you will never get bored with the task of exercising. Switching up your workout every month creates a whole new goal for your fitness needs and pushes your limit in new and exciting ways. And besides, working out for thirty minutes a day beats being stuck to a hospital bed for weeks on end, right?

What are you waiting for? Check your gonads and start warming up! Your road to fitness begins now!