Fashion Front

Experience and Ability over Qualifications and Credentials

A recent visit to the photographic art gallery got me thinking for quite a while, mostly about how amazed I am that the impact of developments such as the camera technology in our smartphones should perhaps have killed many a photographer’s career by now, but hasn’t, but I also thought about the bigger picture at […] Read more…

Why You Should Never Skip Leg-Day

There are some lads whose gym-rat status had been bestowed upon them on the premise of them spending virtually all of their time at the gym, as the name suggests, but some of these beefcakes tend to miss the balance completely. All they ever do is pump iron, with biceps curls and bench presses making […] Read more…

Seasonal Interior Space Decor

You see it a lot in the fashion industry, but it’s also a growing trend among other design-oriented industries such as interior design, that being how trends don’t seem to last as long as they used to. Where we used to anticipate just one ‘in’ trend for the season, we now have a lot of […] Read more…

Steps to Rebuilding Your Intimacy

We live in a society where short attention spans and instant pleasure are the norms, and accordingly, individuals want and expect intimacy to take place rapidly. This results in having rushed sex and dissatisfaction. And it’s one of the reasons that many are now beginning to consider getting health supplements. Read more…

Having a Party? We’ve Got Something You’ll Love!

Are you planning a party? Or perhaps you are looking for interesting and innovative ideas for a wedding do or corporate bash? If so, we have the very thing that will make your party the most talked about and original of the year: the photo booth! You’ve seen them, and probably used them, in shops, […] Read more…

Finding Your Style – Getting the Fit Right

Does it sometimes appear to you that you’re living in a copy-paste world? That everybody resembles somebody else or, so to say, that everybody is striving to be the same? This applies to every little aspect of their personalities: the way they walk, talk or dye their hair; the way they apply their makeup but […] Read more…

Chokers and Other 90s Comebacks

After the striking fashion of the ‘80s, the ‘90s came and brought a sort of a minimalist vibe, especially in comparison to more elaborate and flashy trends from the ‘80s. From this perspective, it all seems like a distant past but the truth is history repeats itself and this applies to fashion, too. In the […] Read more…

Your Body – Your Choice

Sроrtѕ ѕuррlеmеntѕ саn be obtained in various places, frоm the local gуm, drug ѕtоrе аnd еvеn оnlіnе. Whаt mаnу people dо nоt knоw іѕ thаt these products аrе ѕо muсh mоrе thаn just muscle buіldіng bеnеfіtѕ аnd advantages. Fоr іnѕtаnсе the whеу рrоtеіn powder product has bесоmе wіdеlу uѕеd by mеdісаl рrоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ in a variety […] Read more…

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