Your Guide to Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the biggest health priorities in many countries. Being overweight is typically defined as having more body weight and fat than is optimally healthy, with weight loss experts Bella Vou claiming that there are two billion adults around the world that are classified as overweight.



A healthy body requires a small amount of fat intake to normalise the function of the hormonal, reproductive and immune systems. The accumulation of too much fat though can lead to the body storing excess fat, which in turn can cause problems with movement and flexibility.

Carrying too much weight has also been scientifically linked to a number of serious conditions, including:

  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • liver disease
  • osteoarthritis
  • type 2 diabetes

Weight loss

Weight loss can be a lonely and confusing journey and, to make things even harder, there are many theories on losing weight that can do more harm than good. Equally, there are many healthy and low-risk weight loss techniques that have been proven to be effective and safe.

Proven techniques include:

  • not skipping breakfast
  • eating regular meals
  • eating plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • getting active
  • drinking plenty of water
  • avoiding sugary foods like chocolate, cakes and fizzy drinks
  • cutting down on alcohol

The effect of weight loss on skin

Although achieving rapid weight loss can seem like a highly desirable outcome, it can have a deeply damaging effect on the body. For example, excess skin is a side effect associated with rapid weight loss that is often unexpected. Weight gain has an impact on the skin proteins elastin and collagen. Both of these proteins help the skin to retract as well as to strengthen, but when the skin is stretched too much during weight gain it can cause the proteins to tear and break, resulting in a loss of these proteins.

Excess skin treatments

It can be a very upsetting ordeal to see your body change in this way. For those affected by excess skin, there are a range of treatments available, but many of these achieve limited and hard to come by results. With these efforts often leading to unsatisfactory outcomes, a rising number of people are turning to the cosmetic surgery industry for desirable and advanced techniques, such as tummy tucks. It is thought that the percentage of people having plastic surgery after achieving rapid weight loss has risen within the last few years.

There are many benefits associated with having surgical weight loss procedures, including:

  • quick removal of excess skin
  • increased self-confidence
  • long lasting results
  • a defined, toned body

If you have lost a significant amount of weight and have been left with excess skin, having a procedure like a tummy tuck could be a life changing solution for you. As well as helping you to look beautiful on the outside, it could boost your confidence and enhance your weight loss journey.