How to Choose the Position of Your Crest on a Custom Tie

Whether you’re ordering custom ties for a sports club or a school, you’ll probably want to include your crest somewhere on the design. However, it can be surprisingly hard to decide where you want that crest to go. It’s not something you’re likely to think about until you come to the design stage, but you might find yourself struggling or second-guessing yourself when you do. Here’s a quick overview of the most popular positions and when you should use them.


When you first started thinking about ordering custom ties, did you immediately know you wanted your crest included? If so, you probably want to go with an under-the-knot design. This will make the crest immediately noticeable, and it lets you go a little larger without making the tie look unbalanced. In certain cases, the crest is the most important part of the design, or else it needs to be visible very easily. In such cases, under-the-knot should be ideal.

Offset at Base

A common alternative to under-the-knot is having the crest slightly off-set at the base of the tie. This is a good idea for school ties – with children wearing ties at very different lengths as they grow, it can be hard to make sure an under-the-knot design actually falls where it is supposed to. A crest positioned at the base of a tie is less noticeable, but that might be just what you’re looking for. If you want the crest to appear but don’t want it to be the central feature, position it offset at the base.

Repeated Throughout

Finally, some custom tie designs have the crest repeated across the tie. This can be extremely expensive if you have the crest woven into the fabric, so, unless you want your ties to appear very upscale, it’s best to reserve repeated crest designs for digitally printed ties that can handle their intricacy. It’s also a design that tends to work well when you want to incorporate stripes into your tie. A single large crest tends to look best on a tie of a single block colour, but several smaller crests can fit perfectly between stripes and become a more fitting part of the overall design.