Fashion Front

Month: September 2015

How to Set Up Camp on the Beach

There’s nothing more romantic than seeing moonlit waves rushing up to shore. Camping on the beach is a dream for many, but waking up with a wet back and a pool of cold water around your feet might not be the experience you were dreaming of just a few hours before. Even though sand is […] Read more…

Casino Fashion

The image of casinos is believed to be that of high lifestyle and this can be true for some, but it is not necessarily true for everything. There is no exact dress codes in Casinos nowadays, some accept shorts and flip flops while other require a formal attire. It is mainly during the evening that […] Read more…

Three Parts of our Lifestyle we Usually Don’t Talk About

The life of a man is complex, with traits, passions and hobbies we sometimes don’t talk about. These are not sinful things, nothing to be ashamed of, but somehow they don’t fit into the usual small talk or casual conversation. They are simply not things to talk about in the coffee break. While not on […] Read more…