Have you ever been torn on what to buy for your guy for his birthday or a wedding anniversary? Don’t worry it is normal, research shows that men are the hardest to be shopped for. However, there is a secret to this, know your guy like the back of his hand. Get to know what he likes and dislikes. The moment you get that correct, it will be very simple to know what to buy for him on that very special day of his life. There are a ton of gift ideas and the ones listed below are a few of them:
What sport does your guy love?
Is it tennis? Then buy for him a tennis ball and a new racket. Does your guy love golf, buy him a golf club as a gift and he will appreciate it. Get to know what sport your guy really loves and surprise him with that sports gift.
Does he love watching movies?
Which movie does he enjoy most and what does he enjoy in the movie. Get an idea from that and surprise him with his favorite movie. You can also treat him to theatre experience by taking him out to the cinema with a nice dinner.
What is his favorite genre of books?
Which books does he spend time interacting with it most? Is it an inspirational, fictional or a biography book? Then buy him a gift in that line and I am sure he will appreciate it. Be creative and package it in a sexy way with his favorite quote on top of the book and be sure it will be an experience of its own.
What accessories does he often use and love them?
What is his favorite watch? Which brand does he often wear? Choose the best of them and present it as a gift to your guy and you will make his day. Other accessories such as his favorite necklace and nail cutter can seem small but are perfect gifts.
What is his favorite car?
What model does he love most? If you can afford it then why don’t you treat him with one of them especially tailored for him? This gift is perfect for milestones such as his birthday. However a word of caution is don’t strain yourself on buying him a gift you can’t afford. Be comfortable with the gift however small or cheap it is.
What is his favorite suit?
Which type of suit does he often wear? Surprise him with such a gift as a surprise in his wardrobe. You could even get him a tailoring experience for a brand new, perfectly fitting suit.
Favorite shoes
Which type of shoes does he often wear? Why not get him some new ones or something slightly different for him to wear on a special occasion?
All gifts have a special meaning for someone you give and it becomes even sweeter if you bundle it with emotion to make it the most memorable moments ever. Be sure to know what your guy loves before you buy him a gift.